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Dein erster Container in Kubernetes

am April 9, 2021

We will start with a rather short introduction in kubernetes, create a namespace using the MayopeCloudConsole. Using this namespace we will deploy a docker container and make it accessible from the internet. What can I do with kubernetes? Kubernetes is a tool to orchestrate containers. It enables you to run, configure, scale and connect them against each other. How does kubernetes archive this? Kubernetes can be understood as a tool to connect multiple (physical or virtual) machines and enable them to share workloads.


Documentation as Code

am August 9, 2020

Documentation as Code makes it first class citizen while developing Documentation as code states that you store the documentation of your project/service at the same location where you store you code. This has some clear advantages: You don’t need to search for you documentation, everybody is aware where it is and how to extend it You can update the documentation for an issue in the same pull/merge-request where you make the respective technical changes.


Gradle as a Tool for monorepositories

am July 26, 2020

Why do we need monorepositories in the first place? This article does a great job in explaining what a monorepo is and why you may need it: What is a monorepo? To summarize it you have a couple of advantages: Single source of truth Pull-Requests accross services are possible and reviewable in one pull request Simplified code sharing accross services Common build logic for all services There are also some downsides for using a monorepository for example vsc scalability, cross team ownership or the temptation to introduce tight coupling between services.


Adding parameters to a Gradle plugin

am July 25, 2020

Introduction Last time I wrote about the basic setup of a Gradle plugin in Kotlin(Writing a Gradle plugin with Kotlin ). This time we want to add some parameters to this plugin to make it more generic. Basics Gradle is a build automation tool from the java ecosystem. It has a lot of plugins for various use cases. Buildfiles are describedin Groovy as default but Gradle recently added the possibility to also write build scripts in a Kotlin DSL.
